Lifelong Animal Lover
I was born an animal lover and have enjoyed being in their presence as long as I can remember. I cannot imagine my life without a pet. I grew up with many cats in my childhood, as my family were cat lovers. I worked at a veterinarian's office and pet store while going to art school after high school. As a child I always wanted a dog, so as soon as my life allowed I began to rescue and adopt dogs. I currently have 3 of my own who I love dearly.
One of my favorite ways to "unwind" is by walking a dog. I have volunteered at many animal shelters and have even worked at a wildlife sanctuary. In fact, I met my husband working at an animal sanctuary and he also has a history as a vet tech. I am currently a volunteer with a terrier rescue group called Abandoned Terrier Rescue Association. I also volunteer at a nearby shelter walking dogs when my time allows.
I have a strong interest in pet nutrition and pet well-being, so I do a lot of research on pet food and related topics. I began pet sitting for friends for the simple pleasure of being around more animals; "The more the merrier" expresses exactly how I feel. I personally don't like to leave my pets to board at a kennel when I'm out of town and realized that there are a lot of people out there who feel the same. It gives me great comfort to let my pets stay at home while I'm away, and to have someone I trust to stay with them. These are the kind of people that I relate too and would like to offer my services to. This is why I began My Little Buddies Pet Sitting. - Tracey